Annunakis Part 1: Some of Them Made Slave Spirits

Some of the Annunaki that were parading about planet Earth as elites from their upper echelon were mistaken for a more ethical group uncovered. The US of A teaches the Military and Government employees about the earlier civilizations that have been on Earth as we know them.

Annunaki renegade occultists were among the imposters of the top echelon of their civilization which experimented horribly in laboratories. These renegades and occultists created their own versions of spirits. But only as slaves for their earth projects. Not free as we are now.

Some modern priestly types still attempt to make their own spirits. None have succeeded yet according to the Government undetected surveillance.

Return and read Annunakis Part 2 soon.


God-King Part 1:

Life was over on the surface of Earth a few thousand years ago. It had been destroyed by an alien fire bomb effect with a race of earlier humans that went spacefaring long ago.

They were lesbian and for unknown reasons hated Earth.

After fire bombing, they took reproductive matter and left, and the surface burned. A few Paleo and other phenomes were hiding in tunnels. 

Its important to know that the Universes have been guarded and protected by the Universal Royals. One of them, the God-King as I like to name him felt compassion on the killed lifeforms' spirits stuck. 
God-King made a new sample pair of humans from what was left and said they worked fine. In official communications with the Government, he compared his experience of recreating here to attempting to make us an an Ecology from a 'bowl of chow mein." 

Scientists  have long said that God has a sense of humor. 

The Archangels were next tasked with making new and improved civilizations based upon the sample pair. Tens of millions of inhabitants of Earth resulted.

A group descended from Biblical Ham held in trust until recently the laboratory DNA records from Archangel Michael, part of the crew that remade Earthlings and the Ecology. He is familiar to all major religions.

Scientists for the US Government now have in trust these records.  They've even assisted the real Military and Government who have the jobs of communicating with other planets.

Until recently, real Government ufologists worked officially but quietly beyond security clearances and only reported to the President of the US of A. All policies regarding Ufology have been updated. 

Back to the destroyers. The lesbian planet returned for more reproductive matter. Our Government met them with a good offer. They got voluntary reproductive matter to keep their new space home populated, and they were introduced to the Fashion Economy.  

A planet full of women, and the Government smartly thought of what the lesbian planet didn't have. They were unfamiliar with Fashion, or its trends. 

It's never too late to make peace and good agreements.

The Universe has a lot of friends out there for us. No aliens or even spacefaring from Earth will be allowed to conquer us, not even for a religion. Official.


Mass Psychology Trends Healthy Now per US Government and USAF Fashion Director Office:

The mass  psychology experts of the government want you to be aware that you may be find yourself in one of two categories happening in social trends. Trends that are real are good for people and even animals (think doggy treats, cat nip trays, etc.).

Group End-Result needs to feel they can reach their objectives on time or close to it for their later years in life plans. One step at a time especially worked together with a life partner or business partner are good for this thoughtful planning ahead group. These types tend to make each next step important and worth whatever effort or budgeting it takes.

Group Motivation-in-Anything needs to find a positive mental attitude or perseverance with fortitude getting results in factually manifesting goals. This is a group that wants to reach any level selected, with or without assistance or partnering.  Their reasons are their own. Whether for money or training credentials or alike, these will pull themselves out of any holes or setbacks or traumas with new goals. Each day is for accomplishing any part of the goal with a realistic attempt to get closer winning. When lagging in motivation, they ask others who have been there ahead of them for ideas and mentoring.

If you participate in either category trend now, you are making a good choice. Trends give a little bit more good energy when real. 


Time Keeping in the Universes

Timekeeping in the Universes has been learned by the Governments of the world in communication with fellow inhabitants of our Universes. Stellar dialog with friendly visitors to Earth led to the question, How do you keep time?


By powers of ten.

Instead of by 60, like the Assyrians of ancient times set in place from Planet Nibiru or Planet X of the Annunaki which we know more about than ever.

If you do the simple math, it means that the inhabitants of other parts of the Universe work more hours a day than we typically do on regular 8-hour shifts.

I enjoyed working a project for an international governmental assignment a couple decades ago to learn more about Planet X. Many researchers have contributed knowledge. 

How about catching up with the rest of the space-faring Universes? Try working at your favorite avocation 15 minutes every day, and see how that couple added hours a week gets you farther ahead in life in your favorite things. 


The God-King Part 2

According to official government and military records received from the real scientists as archangels in part, we know the identity of the creator called God-King. 

He returned and correctly checked in with the Department of the Navy before as have other notables who are spacefaring. 

The Department of the Navy successfully determines spacefaring friends from alien renegades. 


God-King Part 3:

The brain of humanity remade after the surface of Earth was firebombed had made into it a spot in the gray matter at the top of the head for seeking spiritual guidance and the God-King. 

He introduced the concept of a God and said he was ours to help us evolve. Since our spirits had been slaves to some Annunaki, he did that so we could develop more such as to discover how to go into Outer Space. 

In Psychiatry for Military, the God seeking spot in the brain is studied.  Most soldiers believe in supernatural help and miracles. 

Older religious systems used to teach about lords of the planet, not a God until the God-King took notice of us in the huge universe. 

No goddess existed in concept before or correctly since.  The title goddess was a later clergy term about equivalent to deacon now and not elevated to ruling any.  

Paleo matriarchal systems were benevolent but not led by goddesses. The idea that they had goddesses was later imagined by groups that studied their eon.


Faux Gods in the Forest as Foes: 

Many have fallen prey to the fake acts of imposters. Illegal cosplay, according to the law.

During the Victorian Era in America, Sheriffs' records and Pinkerton's records listed every prostitute apprehended as claiming to be prophetic in their 'acts'. The Victorian era prostitutes have since been proven to be loosely associated with the Middle East, which traditionally shuns prostitution with punishment of stoning. No prostitutes are demonstrated to have ever been prophetic. Not by any subsequent testing by governments, then or now. Modern Vice Squad states more prostitutes are again attempting to claim they are prophesying while selling sex acts. They're also faux.

Which leads to the topic of this disclosure. 

A leader of the prostitutes from or associating with Iraq as it's modernly called was a blonde tiny person who claimed to be a goddess of mythology calling herself Hera. 

She was being kept alive by an anciently known in Jesus's time method. Brainstem switching to other younger bodies to live beyond a normal lifespan method started in Africa but was stopped because the mind goes wrong when taking another's life to switch a brainstem into the body. Intellect lowers, reasoning ability is gone, and new facts don't integrate. 

In Ancient Israel, a woman the Roman Catholic Church later corrected itself by identifying as not being Mary Magdalene was known for being a redheaded prostitute. She was keeping herself alive for centuries through this process and misleading groups. Her descendants have conformed and no longer practice this murderous system. Much was learned from them complying.

Modern Iraq leader Sadaam Hussein had a wife who was also being impersonated by the fake Hera of the forest appearances to Joseph Smith, Jr., a leader of Mormonism at the start. The imposter was impersonating two people.

Fake Hera was caught in the act of attempting to take over a location in America last year. She and her lover -- an infiltrator caught stealing a military background --put in a timebomb word into the training courses of trainees after Desert Storm. She and he had planned to use the word "story" to indicate that a military action was a practical joke, and therefore the military called into action were to desert the field of battle when they heard it and plan revenge upon the person saying that word.

In 2023 when the fake Hera of the forest raided the country with Iraqi terrorists who had been cut off from Iraq for not returning to that country after agreements were made, she used military communications illegally and called out the word "story" repeatedly.

Unfortunately, some soldiers left their posts. A swift Naval officer spotting the fake Hera called in the next Army groups. Army traditionally defends on our homeland. This attempt arrived through the Prohibition tunnels.

A historical note is that the Prohibition era was marked by wide and extensive tunnel structures all over the US of A. The country really wanted its liquor, and Mexico then provided most of it through these tunnels.

As for the imposter of Hera, her brainstem was extremely old compared to her body, which itself was aged. She was what was considered an Ancient Terrorist, as taught to Militaries. This type of brainstem switching is a crime according to all countries worldwide.

A Naval Department officer is to thank for her capture and demise. 

That imposter to Hussein's wife was identified recently as the woman who claimed to be Hera the mythological goddess when talking to Smith in the forest. 

The legend of the original Hera a real woman was based on one who never met Smith or sought power or glory. She was simply helpful to others and that earned her some glory, but put into a typical for that time fairytale. The real Hera is remembered fondly by the US Army.

Most fairytales and legends have an origin in a historical person's life. However, very few were recorded factually.  They were instead meant to entertain audiences. 

Both were golden blondes. 

There is no special powers or abilities attributed to hair coloring, or other physical traits.

Don't fall prey to fake prophecies.

The wars in Iraq are over, and the new government is in agreement with America. Many former enemies of the country like Britain and Germany and Japan, for example, are now our greatest friends. Iraq has been welcomed into the friendship circle.


Identity Theft and Ancient Cult Bestiality Attacks Part 1:

The first instance of known identity theft on records turned in to the Government are from the Paleo era. 

A peaceful civilization, the Paleo matriarchal society without any type of military because none had been needed fled at the first sign of aggression.

A singular femme threatened the leaders of that culture and they scattered. The femme was an identity thief but was uncovered because of her bad acts against the populace.

Although no records exist directly from that terrorizing identity thief, modern analysis includes her activities in illegal behaviors of later centuries witches. At least of the illegal versions.

The identity thief femme was noted in the Paleo records mentioned as doing bestiality and that was illegal even back then. 

One modern nation took Military action one day and killed all its known dog rapists, and reported they have no problem with terrorists or illegal cultists since.  

Be conscientious to always report tips to Animal Control of your local Law Enforcement, which is linked worldwide now with Interpol in order to stop this pervasive problematic indicator of cults and cult recruitments.

Animals are protected from harmful bestiality and have legal rights. The apprehensions in recent years yielded data that identity thieves have been harming animals in the manner discussed in the delusion that doing so will make them a member of royalty instantly. 

No Royalty are allowed to harm animals, either.  Queens in particular are assigned animal welfare, care, and husbandry matters, including ethics as they have applied to animal testing.

More on identity theft in history and attempts of it soon.


No Singular World Ruler to Come:

The worldwide ruler idea was from supposed or recorded prophecies throughout some histories. 

The facts are following. 

Approximately 400 years after Biblical Jesus is known to have resurrected himself according to legends and journals, he is also recorded as returning to Earth. Vatican records have held these records but didn't teach them. 


None showed much interest when he briefly set up a world united moment to preach and lead. 

Then he went spacefaring again as at the resurrection. 

No modern government will accept only world ruler by agreements. Instead all accept his three points he told them when he arrived rapidly to stop the fake Son of Man in 2023.

The real Jesus spoke with every head of state on down to their governors and each government's economists. About:

Stopping terrorism 

Making each country's economy wealthy 

Stopping corruption that got into his system.

These three items on his agenda are still agreeable to each world sovereign government 

He didn't speak with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or its church leaders nicknamed Mormons or LDS despite their claims he met with its members at Top Gun rubbing his body against theirs to decide if he was choosing them as lovers. That imposter was convicted of relevant crimes. 

The real governments agreed to the real Jesus's guidelines without making him a one world ruler. 


Cultist War Item: La Lechuza Not As Lillith:

The War Against Cults declared by the US Congress and others, including the War Department, has been updated on a related carcass.

The carcass of the femme considered to be Lillith in early rounds of recruitment by the terrorist cultists was not connecting directly to Judaism or its origins. More research was done.

Instead, the Texas Rangers investigated. Also affiliated armed Militias empowered by the US Supreme Court were  authorized to assist with access to a private African derived group now linked to its origins and king in Africa. They held records of all known religions, like some others. Of our Military and Law Enforcement also turned in data on this casework.

A fabled La Lechuza is the basis of many 'folk tales' in the Texas, US of A region. Mexico also has legends of it. The basis of the Le Lechuza legend has been used by cultists to recruit into an inner level of recruitment horror by claiming incorrectly that she was Judaism's Lillith of that religion's studies. The implication was that the femme was a goddess by transfer of the status by its believers.

This femme monstrosity turned herself into a partially bird looking humanoid. She used primitive techniques that were effective because of some ancient medical knowledge. Think of Vedic and Chinese medicines' histories. Even Ancient Egypt and the Aztecs conducted surgeries. 

The carcass of the Le Lechuza femme is in government laboratories and those with Security Clearances or Law Enforcement are welcomed to view the results. It's a macabre 'field trip',, though, as the real life of La Lechuza Not As Lillith. The femme's DNA markers indicate low intellect also known in earlier decades as mental retardation. 

La Lechuza Not As Lillith activities are considered dangerous and illegal.


Announcing Allah Arrival and Good Alliance Agreements:

The Department of Navy correctly checked in the factually verified Allah. He has arrived on our planet. 

He hasn't always been here. His devoted are in agreements already for a one world guiding philosophy for the future of our world. 

The Government officially welcomed and is asking acceptance of Allah and his peaceful religions by the public sector and Militaries. 

Religious freedom is one of the pillars of our Constitution. 


DNA Data Updates From US Military Part 1:

DNA is encoded at conception in an embryo-zygote from only two parents, proven by recent Government and Military tests.  These tests are nonharmful and intended to later provide optimum health and longevity for our world.

My own hand-drawn diagram of embryo-zygote explanation photo is attached to the homepage.

DNA encoding remains from conception with the spirit (some religions call it soul) of the unique life form, including humans. The life form's DNA encoded embryo-zygote continues to contain the growth development details into maturity until death.  It's also confirmed that the spirit (soul to some religions) of the life form contains this DNA encoding.  Also factual is that the DNA marker traits including intellect levels are from the sprit, not caused by the DNA markers.

Actions recorded by Military personnel, for example, as acts of valor, show up in the DNA markers. Undetected surveillance by the Government can determine which soldiers have the valor marker. Even basic courage has a marker in the DNA. Realize the spirit of the life form performs the trait, it is not the marker in the DNA strand that causes a courageous action, for example. Simply the life form's thoughts causing the action later signals the DNA marker to become a record of the trait.  Data is now available to relevant public sector laboratories by approved requests from the Government.


DNA Data Updates From US Military Part 2:

The embryo-zygote DNA is the only identification now officially utilized worldwide. Announced already, such identification is in effect even in court room cases and law enforcement and for military purposes.


DNA Data Updates From US Military Part 3:

Recently interesting data about DNA was learned about the embryo-zygote encoding and more.

Residents in a California county with better than required water purification standards were noted to be appearing younger by their complexions. Military medics first tests without harm to any this observation with volunteers.  

The purer water was determined to be de-aging bodily vital internal organs by enabling them to remove more toxins from the body organs. Internal organs typically regularly cleanse toxins at a certain load-level based on the life forms habitual patterns in lifestyle. For example, their regularly consumed favorite foods and cleansing products come with some level of toxins nearly impossible to remove even with regulated manufacturing environments complying with health codes. 

The skin is the human body's largest organ, and the body cleanses it of toxins and heals it last in its process usually done during sleep cycles. When the skin of the volunteers exhibited less signs of aging or trauma to the skin cells with evident healing, the Military medics looked closer at the internal vital organs. 

It was very exciting for the medics to learn that the life form's internal vital organs can heal themselves to renewed levels of functioning. 

An additional benefit to the increased levels of water purification systems is decided to be a more youthful and vibrantly healthy appearing complexion. 


Alien Computers Recovered Part 1:

In 2025, a duo of alien originating computers have been uncovered. 

The AI capacity computers are in government possession. Appointments to view may be made with NASA. 

The alien AI was used to record other alien offworld events and stored. The events recorded on it were hacked by cultists first which led FBI to capture both. 

Cultists attempted to repeat any event on them, which got them captured.  

Real X-Files in the making.  


No Diety Part 1:

The real universal leaders and also lords of the planet are known.  

The ancient beings that led original religions are mostly a "lord" which was a civil-clergy level.  Not a worshipped or prayed to being.  Just evolved. 

The ancient Vedic history includes a Shiva, a male. He reported in to the Military correctly in front of a large crowd in the Bay Area of Northern California at dawn one morning. 

I was privileged to be present as was the Government agency that officially handles such meetings. Recognize that these earthly lords are from -- Earth.  Simply evolved by higher thought training.  

Shiva in reality is ethical and law abiding, and very long lived.  

Recall that the idea of a diety was given to Earth inhabitants only and not other worlds. The concept is from the God-King you read about in earlier blog posts.  

It's imperative that none of you get duped into believing you or others are or have become deity.  There are several mental illnesses related to such false beliefs.  

Keep your beliefs logical and lawful and mentally healthy. 

More on deity belief origins again soon.  


Fake CIA Part 1:

The masterminds of terrorism have spread rumors and disinformation for decades about the Central Intelligence Agency.  Sine it's leadership announced on the news that I have worked for it part time for decades, I may post this correction. 

During a time when the CIA studied things as possible assistance to the public such as unusual methods for cessation of unwanted habits, masterminds now considered terrorists began accusing them of inhumane experiments. Such harmful claims are and were false. 

Also false are more recent accusations of harmfulness by its formerly assigned MEDUSA team.  The older men misportraying themselves as the very young real CIA special ops group are gone now.  The factual unit was moved out of perusal by masterminds.  It will still be rescuing people and animals and humanoids. 

About the experiments it stopped in the 1980s,  there's been some benefit to humankind since then from them now. 

You will understand that the CIA is focused on international interests. Anything it handles on our homeland is still in that purview.

The recent benefits of early CIA studies are gratifying because King Charles 3rd  who is our ally from Great Britain uses a version of the holographic systems studied earlier.  Because of it, worldwide government economists from every country meet by a holographic system in which each appears to be in the same conference room but are actually real-time holograms of each economist. 

Along with protecting America, the CIA is focused on the the worldwide goal of all governments to move forward together.  


Fake CIA Part 2:

There have always been crime syndicate attempts to steal the identity of CIA agents or claim to be the Agency but are imposters. 

Recently the Military uncovered along with terrorism stopping law enforcement that for decades a pedophile ring was attempting to abduct 4 infants a day and claim the CIA was needing them.  

The pregnant victim mother's were held kidnapped from low contact backgrounds. They weren't missed often enough.  

These mothers and the littlest victims were rescued by mutual cooperation in overlapping casework. 

Unfortunately one of my relatives was involved and is now incarcerated under observation.  It's still dumb-foundfing why any Mormons raised with American ethics would have participated in this crime syndicate overlooked in the 1980s but caught by terrorist hunters. 

All people are entitled to be free to live their life of self-determination by all countries' constitutional and sovereign granted rights. The CIA officially upholds human rights laws worldwide. 


Stargates Part 1:


Nine of the ten known to the Government and Military Stargate portals of incoming data streams from alien universes are known to have existed, but are now defunct.

Each world religion was detected to have been interacting with these electro-magnetic energies encoded with their data arriving through each's particular Stargate linked to them from beyond their own thinking considered spiritual to inspiration to guidance and more.

That's a lot to take in and ponder, but just focus on each piece in sequence to comprehend what the Government learned and uncovered.

A problem was detected with each of the 9 portal Stargates. Note that they were known locations by most world religions. They are physical constructions and being evaluated and decoded by the Government.

Each of these portal structures of a new to the scientists and researchers and others working on them had a type of 'corrosive' applied to the same point on each Stargate structure. It caused warped and skewed data to be funneled through each portal to the inquiring religions reaching out in their mindwave -- as you know already the CIA labels the mental awareness -- to gather religious data and protocol for their own.

It's very interesting work that is happening on the Stargates' analysis. 

About the10th Stargate soon.


Stargates Part 2:

The 10th Stargate belongs to no world or other worldly religions. 

It was introduced to the Naval Department through its standard protocols for interacting with aliens, particularly friends.

It is being researched now and investigated by the Government of the US of A.

Never has it been available or used by any world religion or alike. No cults, and no churches with cults infiltrating have ever utilized it. 

In order to deter cultists and their terrorist agendas, a faux one was made which may assist in quelling those intending to harm with brainwashing and other terrorizing methods. 

Further research should yield interesting data, 


Stargates Part 3:

The Stargates being inspected and researched by the Government are categorized by their religious or pseudo-religious or other categories below:

Stargate portal 1 is connected to the earliest equivalent to the remaining Judaic religion and lore. (More about the first Judaic population on Earth soon.)

Stargate portal 2 is connected to an elite level by their own Arabic inner-religious studies pre-Islam and Muhammadanism and Islam in a form. Other versions were UFO related, with more data on later.)

Stargate portal 3 is connected to the Native and Native American and Indigenous religions and similar philosophical trainings including Shamanisms and even archaic religions such as Vedic and Nostra. Other studies in practice have been included in this Stargate’s data streams.

Stargate portal 4 is connected to the religion attempted 10 times in history that became the modern LDS or Mormons, not associated with the cults that infiltrated it that it has been ordered by the Governments and Militaries and Courts to remove. More on this Stargate again.

Stargate portal 5 is connected to the Egypto which includes major African religions surviving as well as many pre-religious groups.

Stargate portal 6 is connected to the modernly considered ‘adjusted’ study groups and religions that attempted to follow a fabled Satan or god alike. More on where in the Universes this lore originated.

Stargate portal 7 is connected to the groupings considered Fortean by Military and Government standardized annals.

Stargate portal 8 is connected only to the originating Jesu religious practices and studies of, for any religion using his name or lore intentions. It is also for any Great Spirit aligned religion or thoughts of, with more on this Stargate’s work in the future.

Stargate portal 9 is an open-philosophy system that arrived for any ‘kind and treasured work’, which most religions had something of, but not all of it. More attentive work is being given to this Stargate by the Government now.

Stargate portal 10 is a sudden arrival that belongs to a Universe’s traveling court. It will regard us awhile by agreement with all Governments. It is suggested that you be on your best behavior.

Early philosophical studies that are within or belonging to individual family lines and groups of, or carried on by non-originators, are required to submit their data about any of these religious Stargate portals that the Governments are together researching. Submit to your local Chamber of Commerce if in the contiguous United States of America. Others can get theirs to a local Library and its Reference Librarian.


Heraldry as Cuneiform Roots Part 1:

Cuneiform of the Universes exists and is well known to Government and State economists.

It's used daily including to watch for markers on the stock market charts. In this use, it displays buyers similar thinking influenced by social cues.

There are 7 more Cuneiform systems like the one already in use. The USA's Government economists are planning to add in one additional. 

The Univeral Cuneiforms which were delivered by some considered archangels and other mythos terms, often presumed to be linked to religions.  They have been in use for about 7 thousand years.  

Militaries have always utilized some of the Cuneiforms in their heraldry. Symbol on flags and standards, for example. 


Heraldry as Cuneiform Roots Part 2:

Early Cuneiform included the basis of early alphabets. 

The letter A in English is from a top by being first kingship title household symbol. Don't mistake this for being more important than other letters assigned to households 7 thousand years ago.  

No hurt egos were intended.

An illegal cult mistook a letter A as being assigned to a planet conqueror expected.  Many published PhD thesis essays have addressed this mistake made by the illegalis cultists.

There has never been an actual A-lord in the Universes expected to conquer or rule. That title level of a lord does civil service according to Universes' system. 

In its assignment to the earliest royal household, it linked to a coat for easy identification from a distance also.  Just like a pennon's heraldic symbol was intentionally identifiable from a distance.  

In a picture on the front page I am wearing the early Cuneiform Heraldry symbolic look indicating I am working on something assigned in the category. 

It's as simple as that. 

As for the fake alien A-lord, the Military reports it dead.  


Biblical Lore Part 1:

Medieval priests sequestered authored the Biblical lore-,versions of some histories.  One is the Bible, typically the most bought book. 

Adam's tale is its first adventure.

Along with Adam, renewed and better civilizations were then put in locations with resources.  Ten million at each.

Adam is recorded by America's Native tribes in their records as being of their typical look that is still dominant in tribes.  

According to the records in the director's office, the Adam of the Bible is the Native American's First Father." A sketch exists that is made in the equivalent of charcoal artwork. His eyes were sapphire blue.


Biblical Lore Part 2:

Biblical Adam was average height by modern standards. Earlier humans were mostly destroyed in a surface attack by Alien forces. Humans had been approximately 4 feet in height at adulthood.  

The Cuneiform of food production and trading was among the first four of those systems he learned. It is preserved and honored still today and was rediscovered in certain families records.

The Department of the Interior has possession of this non-economics cuneiform Adamic system. Very interesting.  


Stargate Portals Part 4:

The Stargate portals were placed on our planet 900million years ago. 90 eons have passed. Decades are the normal evolvement cycles of humankind as modern Psychology informs us about. 

Stargate portal 6 is safe to access again.  The apparent corrosion was not actual damage. Instead it was comparable to Christmas tree flocking, a visual deterrent. 


Native Tribes Part 1:

From the Department of the Interior today is an interesting and newly disclosed fact about the Native American hero Hiawatha.

Hiawatha was part of the original organization or the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederation.

The Confederation was originally organized with five Native American tribes. They led and assisted an organized group of tribes on the North American Continent.

The Haudenosaunee Confederation secretly assisted President George Washington during a ten year timeframe to quell what are now called cultists terrorists by Congress.

Hiawatha's bloodline is linked to DNA found at the Lascaux Caves site. 


Friends From The Universes Part 1:

Arcturus is a distant sun star. It's in the Bootes Constellation. A so-named Bear Lord guards it and myths of reached Earth long ago.  

The Arcturians are friendly and have given the Navy Department intersection data as a good will gesture.  

Their reproduction is different from our Ecology of most species and Earthlings. 

First understand that they have a male and female gender. However, when they give birth each gender 'gestates' its own next body without a living spirit or soul attached to the newly birthed body. 

Next you'll be able to comprehend they do radical transplant surgery and place their own brain stem with their original embryo-zygote into their new exact duplicate.

The population of the planet around Arcturus their sun remains stable. They continue with their avocations.

Our world's Government scientists have new data on the "S" files about. It's a type of chromosome new to us. 

All countries are in agreements now despite conflicts and the data is being evaluated by all of their and scientists. 


Biblical Lore: Part 3

The Holy Bible is typically the most purchased book. Many still rely on it to guide their lives. 

An instructional line in it quoting Jesu says to 'be like a ... child.'

Good news. Information about what this recorded and translated phrase means has arrived. 

Know that the real Jesu who is spacefaring communicates with any Military branch he selects each time he returns to his home Earth.

During a recorded interview, Jesu recently gave an insight into what this instruction meant.

Children of all races, phenomes, and of all humanoid and animal species known are curious in their youths. It is a normal developmental stage. 

Curiosity can also assist with finding solutions and good entertainments and progressive hobbies. These are beneficial.

The updated phrase from Jesu is officially recorded as "retain the curious mind of youth".

It is a good idea to remain curious about life. Curiosity about the world around us leads to many good things and inventions. When at adulthood, reviving curiosity in your mind can be enjoyable. Of course, a mature mind uses precaution. 

Retaining curiosity levels whenever appropriate is considered necessary now by all Government mass psychologists. 


Alien Civilizations Part 1:

Planet X also called Nibiru interested many. Officially from the Office of the President it no longer exists as a planet. It was thought to be either orbiting or arriving.

What remains is some lore and uncovered data about Planet X.

Posted data already disclosed that an unconventional mid-level sector of the Planet X populace participated in horror chambers as scientific laboratories. These renegade scientists intentionally made us as slave spirits for Earth. 

There is good and bad that came from studies and investigations of Planet X. For those who were taught about it earlier in the Military, there are updates of more that is positive.


Friends of the Universe Part 2:

Planet X's last ruler listed in lore was Anu. He was misinterpreted by famed author and researcher of lore as a 'king,' but was nevertheless its ruler. 

Not omniscient, he ruled with judgement and gathered wisdom. He Utilized systems and government that is similar to some on our Planet.

When Anu had a challenger to his ruling job, or any conflict beyond diplomacy, it was decided and settled by a physical wrestling match. 

According to lore and recovered data, he always won as the winning wrestler.


Biblical Lore Part 4:

About Kings including David of the ancient Kingdom of Israel first. There's a lot of lore about him.

It should be of interest that his actual name he assumed for its role was Navid.

More about soon.